It's astonishing what people can be led to believe, against all reason and contrary evidence.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
How did the 1919 GB know they were chosen ?
by Phizzy inthe present gb/fds claim a kind of apostolic succession going back to the now claimed first appearance of the fds in 1919.. i don't think anywhere is it made clear who made up the fds then, but let us go along with the fiction, (in reality we know only rutherford really ruled the roost) and assume there was a group of guys who were the fds, how did they know they were chosen as such ?.
there obviously is nothing in the wt writings of the time as all this is noo lite, so, if they did not know their heaven appointed role, why would they carry it out, except by accident?
and if so, how could they possibly produce "food at the proper time "?.
Bible Teach Book has been getting a facelift WT Style
by RayPublisher inwell the book they use to conduct bible studies is already showing its age, and just like the changes they made to the live forever book they are doing it to the bible teach book as well.
here is something i found on the kool aid site jw talk .
Room 215
" These changes quietly took place over a year ago. Did you notice?"
It's a rare JW that scrutinizes the Bible as carefully as this guy pores over the WT literature. How many JWs can list the books of the Bible, name the apostles or the "fruits of the spirit' when challenged?
Has the feared and much anticipated,'Jehovah Witness Great Tribulation', now started in earnest during this year of 2013?
by Sol Reform inthe watchtower states that the great tribulation.... will start when the united nations attacks babylon the great.
it appears individual states of the usa are starting to get that ball rolling right now.. .
with the world wide child sexual abuse cover-ups across the globe getting special attention from the media.. legislators across the usa seem to have lost the fear of getting the nod of disapproval of 'clergy', especially from the younger members.. law professor marci a. hamilton writes, "across the country, the movement for justice for child-sex-abuse victims is finding that conversations that used to begin with a discussion of the catholic bishops' opposition (and then often ended abruptly) are now started by a member's saying, "they don't deserve deference on this issue.
Room 215
The Watchtower's original end-times scenario, which prevailed through the early 60s, was that the Great Tribulation began with Satan's ouster from heaven in 1914, precipitating an unprecedented time of trouble that would be cut short to allow "some flesh to be saved."
what do you think about the charity status of the over 100 JW charities listed here
by recovering ini went to a site which lists over 100 different registered jw charities in the us.
take a look.
Room 215
A shameless scam.
WT: Train your kids to shut up - April 2013 OKM
by aposta-Z inquote from april 2013 our kingdom ministry; available on here: .
" even if they are too young to understand everything that is discussed, children can be trained to remain awake and sit.
Room 215
The lobotomizing starts early. What is this from? Another of the annual "don't misbehave, you'll make us look bad" pre-convention articles that appear every Spring with the daffodils? You know, the ones that browbeat the sheeples to not save seats, to leave the premises to eat at local restaurants or to run amok at the hotels.
Room 215
Good for you... it's there for those who feel they need it.
BRITAIN - 23 April 2013 - Criminal Damage to Jehovah's Witness building in Felpham
by jwleaks incriminal damage to jehovah's witness building in felpham .
23 april 2013. .
police are appealing for witnesses after the jehovah's witness kingdom hall, flansham lane in felpham was subjected to religiously aggravated criminal damage overnight between thursday 11 april and friday 12 april.
Room 215
That's a lot of graffiti; it's remarkable that so much damage could be done without someone taking notice..... grotesquely ugly KH, by the way.
Bethel Speaker- get rid of Facebook!
by Kensho inspecial assembly day (sad) bethel speaker ( a very good speaker i might add) in his talk " follow your spirit-directed conscience gave example of and elder and his family.
he noticed his wife and daughter spending a lot of time morning noon and night on facebook, it almost seemed like that is all they did, so as a spiritual head decided to see what they were constantly looking at, "let me see what you are spending so much time looking at on facebook said the elder".
the wife explained this is how we keep in contact with the "friends", elder started to look at her page and she was correct, there he found friends in the cong.
Room 215
Lots o' luck, Watchtower... it would be easier to try to hold water in your hand. Nice try, though.....
" a very good speaker I might add"... that about sums up all they're good for... eloquently dispensing bullshit in a pretty verbal pakage. ... undisputed masters of style over substance.
CO talk at SAD appl. of 2 Thess. 1:8 & other mind control tactics
by Kensho innow that i am really "awake" at the assemblies i pay more attention to what the borg's traveling enforcers say and the talk he gave was some "new light" on 2 thess.
1:8 (probably his opinion).
paraphrased " there is a thinking that has crept in somehow in the minds of some brothers over the years that because jehovah is a merciful &loving god he will not destroy those who have not been reached with the good news in different parts of the world or my family or bible studies need just a little more time, well they need to read this script.. .
Room 215
That just oozes love and compassion, and reverence for life, doesn't it? What pathetic nonentities these empty suits are!
Quote from this week's WT study
by dissonance_resolved in"god's servants on earth will not need to defend themselves against aliens from another planet.".
good to know- but strangely no scriptural reference for this gem..
Room 215
We've come a fair distance from the Sermon on the Mount, it seems.